Solid Gold Podcasts #BeHeard Epokothweni with Babalwa Nonkenge

Epokothweni with Babalwa Nonkenge

Accessible conversations about financial stewardship in IsiXhosa.

Sincokola ngokuphathwa kakuhle kwemali ngendlela efikelelekayo ngolwimi lwesixhosa.

Accessible conversations, co-creation and learning personal financial stewardship in Isixhosa
Occasionally Xhosa South Africa Business · Investing
75 Episodes
1 – 20

Isiqendu 63 | Yintoni MTBPS

Kwincoko yanamhlanje sikunika inkcazelo ngezona zinto ezibalulekileyo ezikuchaphazelayo kwi MTBPS enikwe yi Minister of Finance u Mnumzana Enoch Godongwana
3 Nov 2023 12 min

Isiqendu 59 | Investa uzikhusela kwi fraud ubuqhetseba

Kubalulekile ukubeka imali bucala, kubaluleke ngakumbi ukuba ukhuseleke kubuqhetseba obugqubayo kulemihla. Incoko yethu no Khwezi Jackson ikunika icebiso lokuba uzikhusela kanjani na It is essential to invest your money safely because fraud is rampant. Our conversation with Khwezi Jackson from TenX Investment gives you useful information on how to invest…
18 Jul 2023 12 min

Isiqendu 57 | Lungiselela umhlala-phantsi, akukho nzima

Kwincoko yethu namhlanje sikuphathele indlela uTenX Investments akwenzela lula ngayo ukuba ukwazi ukuzilungiselela umhlala-phantsi. Akunyanzelekanga ukuba ube kanti unomsebenzi wesigxina. Uyakwazi ukusebenzisa iwebsite yabo ukuzibekela ngokwakho imali
13 Jun 2023 11 min

Isiqendu 56 | Ingomso alithenjiswanga

Kuleveki ephelileyo, bendihleli no MaGasela sincokola malunga nendleko ezivelayo xa umntu eswelekelwe. Ayikho mnandi tu ke into yokuthetha ngokufa kodwa kubalulekile sincokole neentsapho zethu kwaye siqiniseke uba wonke umntu ulungiselelwe
31 May 2023 32 min

Isiqendu 55 | Raising kids with a Financial Fitness Mindset

Incoko yethu namhlanje imalunga nencwadi ebhalwe ngu Amanda John kunye no Nelisiwe Mbara ebhalelwe abantwana. Ukanti ke ingonwatyelwa lusapho lonke. In today's discussion we chat about the book Raising Kids with a Financial Fitness Mindset with co author Amanda John
24 May 2023 16 min

Isiqendu 54 | Qondisisa kakuhle zonke iindleko (costs) ze investments zakho

Incoko yethu no Asavela Gwela ingakunceda uqondisise kakuhle zonke indleko (costs) ze investmets zakho kuba ziyayichaphazela indlela ekhula ngayo imali oyityalileyo. Khumbula ukuba kwezi ncoko sikwabela ulwazi oluphangaleleyo kwaye u 10X Investments oyi FSP number 28250 ugunyaziswe emthethweni Today's discussion with Khwezi Jackson comes to you with the good wishes…
9 May 2023 11 min

Isiqendu 52 | Ziqhube njani imakete zemali kunyaka odlulileyo - incoko no Mthobeli Mankahla

Namhlanje sihlalutya indlela imakete zezimali eziqhube ngayo kunyaka odlulileyo kunye nesihlobo sethu esiyiyo nengcaphephe kwi financial services - uMthobeli Mankahla. Today's discussion focuses on understanding the performance of financial markets over the past year. Our good friend and a professional in financial services is Mthobeli Mankahla, he helps us understand…
29 Mar 2023 25 min

Isiqendu 51 | Beka imali bucala - incoko no Asavela Gwele

Lencoko siyiziselwa ngeminqweno emihle yabakwa 10X Investments. Lulwazi olwabelwana nawe oluphangaleleyo olu hayi ingcebiso (financial advice) 10X Investments FSP (number 28250) is an authorized financial services provider
14 Mar 2023 11 min

Radio interview | Earning legitimate, legal income online

South Africa has a high number of graduates who are unemployed and the economy is not growing at a rate which creates income for all her citizens. There are ways that some are sharing about on Twitter and Youtube about how they create an income for themselves. I discussed this…
10 Mar 2023 46 min
1 – 20