Brains Behind Media
Born and raised in Johannesburg, Karabo Makwetla is constantly exposed to various forms of media. He acknowledges the evolution of media and how its influence can easily be regarded as a fourth arm of government in the 21st Century.
Human beings now consume media more than any other single activity that they take part in. The average amount of media consumed per day is 12 Hours and 7 Minutes. One may just consume more, or less than that.
In this podcast series, Karabo speaks to innovators, creatives and critical thinkers behind the media human beings consume today. Occasionally, he likes to shoot from the hip and commentate on the shifts and changes in South African media.
Human beings now consume media more than any other single activity that they take part in. The average amount of media consumed per day is 12 Hours and 7 Minutes. One may just consume more, or less than that.
In this podcast series, Karabo speaks to innovators, creatives and critical thinkers behind the media human beings consume today. Occasionally, he likes to shoot from the hip and commentate on the shifts and changes in South African media.