Media24 News24 | The Story

News24 | The Story

This weekly news podcast by News24, takes listeners on a journey into the newsroom and to the heart of the week’s biggest story. Every week, journalists from our newsroom are interviewed, about a story that dominated headlines. During these intimate and candid conversations, the listener is given tasty titbits about the week’s biggest story. We also speak to the newsmakers as well as experts on the matter.
Weekly English South Africa News · News Commentary
99 Episodes
60 – 80

PODCAST | The Story: Is Ramaphosa reshuffling deck chairs on the Titanic?

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday night announced changes to his executive - in his very first Cabinet reshuffle. Ministers who got the chop include Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula and Tito Mboweni – who asked to be "excused". Ramaphosa also announced the resignation of suspended health minister Zweli Mkhize.
6 Aug 2021 13 min

PODCAST | The Story: Racism rife in South African schools

A private international school in Cape Town is at the centre of the latest allegation of racism. Parents and pupils protested outside the Deutsche Schule Kapstadt, a German school on the slopes of Table Mountain, this week. The teacher at the focus of their anger was suspended, but reinstated after…
18 Jun 2021 15 min

THE STORY | Is Ramaphosa's cabinet taking the abuse of women and children seriously?

In a 30-minute televised speech, President Cyril Ramaphosa read a list of names during his national address on Wednesday. "...Tshegofatso Pule, Naledi Phangindawo, Nompumelelo Tshaka, Nomfazi Gabada, Nwabisa Mgwandela, Altecia Kortjie and Lindelwa Peni. All of them are young women who were killed by men," he said. In recent weeks,…
20 Jun 2020 12 min
60 – 80