Radio Pulpit Just For You | Parenting

Just For You | Parenting

Just for You on Radio Pulpit is a magazine show designed to empower people from all walks of life. From from the young at heart to the older and more settled. Through the show, we seek to inspire excellence in every Christian’s daily journey and to strengthen and empower listeners to be the best versions of themselves.
Weekly English South Africa Christianity · Kids & Family
172 Episodes
60 – 80

Employing spiritual weapons to win in your marketplace.

Sibongile and Ayanda Nenemba are in conversation with Prudence Mocumi about Employing spiritual weapons to win in your marketplace. They are looking at How can you utilize your spiritual weapons to enhance success in the competitive marketplace, and what strategies can individuals employ to wield them effectively for victory.
30 May 2024 38 min

God's Favour P1.

Sibongile Mofokeng is in conversation once again with Bishop Manzini Caiphas Mkhize and Pastor Mavis Mkhize about God's Favour. They are looking at what happens when a person finds favor from the Lord. They are reading from the book of Genesis 6:8-9.
15 May 2024 48 min

She Ready Campaign.

Sibongile Mofokeng is in conversation with Dr. Inga Mgaleli about She Ready Campaign. They are looking at what She Ready is, how it comes about, and what are the or what is the value of SHE READY, and where or which areas they cover.
15 May 2024 14 min


Sibongile Mofokeng is in conversation with Dr. Inga Mgaleli about Influenza. They are looking at the importance of getting the influenza vaccine since we are in the flue and winter season, and also answering some worrisome questions by the listeners.
9 May 2024 35 min

National Prayer Day by SACC.

Sibongile Mofokeng talks to Rev Molo from South African Council Of Churches about National Prayer Day. They are looking at why National prayer day, when will that be, where will it be held, and what is the value of being part of this event.
2 May 2024 22 min

How to use our gifts, talents, and abilities in market place.

How can individuals effectively leverage their gifts, talents, and abilities in the marketplace to pursue meaningful work and make a positive impact? What strategies and approaches can help individuals identify and capitalize on their strengths while navigating career opportunities and challenges? Sibongile Mofokeng is in conversation with Ambassador Prudence Mocumi…
24 Apr 2024 41 min

Answers about Colds, Flu and Covid-19 Season in 2024.

Sibongile Mofokeng talks to Dr. Tlailane and Dr. Daniel Morobadi about Colds, Flu and Covid-19 Season. They are diving deeper to answer questions like, is Covid-19 back? How will know if is back? What kind of influenza we are experiencing this time around? They even gives tips on how to…
24 Apr 2024 42 min

Submission According To God.

Sibongile Mofokeng talks to Pastor Mavis Mkhize about Submission According To God. They are looking at what does submission according to God entail, and how does it differ from societal notions of submission? How can individuals understand and embody the concept of submission within the context of their relationship with…
19 Apr 2024 38 min

Submission According To God.

Sibongile Mofokeng talks to Pastor Mavis Mkhize about Submission According To God. They are looking at what does submission according to God entail, and how does it differ from societal notions of submission? How can individuals understand and embody the concept of submission within the context of their relationship with…
18 Apr 2024 38 min

The Realities of Marketplace.

Sibongile Mofokeng is talking to Pastor Prudence Mocumi about The Realities of Marketplace. They are looking at what are the key challenges and dynamics individuals face in navigating the complexities of the marketplace? In what ways can entrepreneurs and businesses adapt to these realities to thrive and succeed in the…
10 Apr 2024 37 min


Sibongile Mofokeng is talking to Dr Tlailane and Dr. Debeila about Glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that can cause blindness. They are delving deeper and explain why this kind of disease.
27 Mar 2024 39 min

What is the real message of the cross

Sibongile Mofokeng is talking to Pastor Merriam Mashigo about The Cross. They are looking at what the Cross means, why This Cross, what is the real message of the Cross.
27 Mar 2024 49 min

Ministry and love in ministry P3.

Sibongile talks to Bishop MC and Pastor Mavis Mkhize about Ministry and love in ministry. They are looking at balancing love and ministry. They focus on their calling and marriage in the ministry, how they overcome all their challenges, how to deal with agape love, and how to love your…
13 Mar 2024 51 min

Understanding Obesity: Risks and Solutions

Sibongile Mofokeng is talking Dr. Tlailane about Obesity. They are looking at What are the health risks and contributing factors associated with obesity, and what lifestyle changes, dietary habits, and medical interventions can individuals adopt to manage their weight and promote overall well-being.
6 Mar 2024 46 min

Profile: Pastor Sandile Cele - My Music Career as a recording artist.

Sibongile Mofokeng is talking to Pastor Sandile Cele Who is a child of God, a servant, last born of Cele's sibling, pastor, musician, and entrepreneur about his Music Career as a recording artist. They look at his background, how he started to be a musician and pastor, and the launch…
6 Mar 2024 37 min

Ministry and love in ministry P2.

Sibongile talks to Bishop MC and Pastor Mavis Mkhize about Ministry and love in ministry. They are looking at balancing love and ministry. They focus on their calling and marriage in the ministry, how they overcome all their challenges, how to deal with agape love, and how to love your…
28 Feb 2024 53 min

Growing In The Knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ.

How does one grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what practices, studies, and experiences contribute to deepening one's understanding, relationship, and devotion to Him? Pastor Nosipho Rakolota talks about Growing In The Knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ.
28 Feb 2024 15 min

The Gate.

Pastor Nosipho Rakolota talks about The Gate. She is focusing on the book of Acts 10 about the man called Cornelius who was a Roman centurion. However, he was a committed Christian serving God alone and not any idols until the Lord appeared to him.
23 Feb 2024 11 min
60 – 80