W2W W2W | Wiele2Wiele | Wheels2Wheels

W2W | Wiele2Wiele | Wheels2Wheels

Broadcast to 28 radio stations in South Africa and 2 in Namibia.

Women can’t drive! Or can they? The battle of
the sexes is on!

Listen to husband & wife - Carl & Jeanette debate their educated opinions in their weekly 25-minutes Wiele2Wiele motoring radio show. Nicol Louw and Mike McDuling is also contributors to the show and tries to keep the peace between Carl & Jeanette.

During Wiele2Wiele anything motoring rolls – from the latest launches, road-tests, general motoring news and helpful tips to 2Wiele (2Wheels) - motorcycles.
Weekly Afrikaans South Africa Automotive
47 Episodes
20 – 40

20220904 Dag 1 Verslag BMW Motorrad Int. GS Trophy 2022 - Team SA

Broadcast to 28 radio stations in South Africa and 2 in Namibia. Women can’t drive! Or can they? The battle of the sexes is on! Listen to husband & wife - Carl & Jeanette debate their educated opinions in their weekly 25-minutes Wiele2Wiele motoring radio show. Nicol Louw and Mike…
4 Sep 2022 2 min

BMW Motorrad Int. GS Trophy 2022: Christoph Lischke

Wilmarie Janse van Rensburg interview with Christoph Lischke (BMW Motorrad Vice-President Research & Development) About: The meaning around the name "GS Trophy" and the development of the GS-motorcycle.
4 Sep 2022 3 min

BMW Motorrad Int. GS Trophy 2022: Interview Tim Diehl-Thiele

Wilmarie Janse van Rensburg interview with Tim Diehl-Thiele (BMW Motorrad Head of Press Communications) About: Tim’s responsibility as Head of Communications for the event and why the GS Trophy is BMW Motorrad’s most important event. Tim also explained BMW Motorrad’s biggest objective for the event – bringing people together from…
3 Sep 2022 4 min

BMW Motorrad Int. GS Trophy 2022: Interview with Cora Forssman

Wilmarie Janse van Rensburg interview with Cora Forssman (BMW Motorrad Head of Brand Experience) About: Background on how to qualify for the Int. GS Trophy, the opportunity to also experience Albania and the routes of the Int. GS Trophy through “Follow The Trails” and the importance of sponsorships.
3 Sep 2022 12 min

BMW Motorrad Int. GS Trophy 2022: Interview with Christian Pingitzer

Wilmarie Janse van Rensburg interview with Christian Pingitzer (BMW Motorrad Head of Product Management |Deputy Event Manager on duty on site | Marshal Partner and BMW Guest) About: History of the Int. GS Trophy started, the importance of the marshals at the event & the huge Int. GS Trophy following…
3 Sep 2022 5 min
20 – 40