Bible Perspective

Bible Perspective explores how ancient biblical teachings apply to modern life challenges. It examines biblical figures' experiences to inform current choices in relationships, ethics, careers, and personal growth. The show features a panel discussing fresh insights on applying biblical principles to everyday situations. It aims to demonstrate the Bible's continued relevance as a source of wisdom for navigating contemporary life.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity · Religion & Spirituality
74 Episodes
1 – 20

Bible Perspective on The Real Sacrifice of Christ 

Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ, who is God in human form, died for us. It claims that that sacrificial death opened a path to salvation for anyone and everyone who accepts this. Fair enough. But then, enter the resurrection! Since Jesus knew the eventual outcome, that He would be raised…
28 Feb 1 hr 50 min

Bible Perspective on The Imago Dei (The Image of God)

What does it mean when the Bible says that we are made in the Image of God? Is this to be understood physically, intellectually or is it only spiritually? If we are made in and are to possess someone else's image... Is that not basically cloning? What happens to free-will…
21 Feb 1 hr 52 min

Kids Perspective on Christian Standards for Teens

Every second-Friday of the month we allow the children to direct the study as we go deeper in pursuit of the Bible answers for their questions. In this session the kids ask Pr Thando Moyo what the Biblically approved Christian Standards for teens in 2025 are.
14 Feb 1 hr 43 min

Bible Perspective on God The Assassin (Inkabi)

Before you stone me for blasphemy, hear me out... Consider that, actually, there are certain passages of Scripture that present individuals who have called on God as a defender, a champion, an avenger. A Hitman of sorts, if you will. Asking Him to deal with their enemies decisively and conclusively…
7 Feb 1 hr 29 min

Bible Perspective on Areas Beyond Forgiveness

By it's nature, forgiveness is a principle that is to be limitless. But very soon you realise that there are some exceptions to the rule, for example, the "Unpardonable Sin". The name says it all, it cannot be forgiven! So what else is exempted from forgiveness? Who decides what to…
31 Jan 1 hr 35 min

Bible Perspective on Forgiveness and the Close of Probation

Fact: we must, of necessity, have a forgiving spirit. Fact: regarding forgiveness, it's immaterial whether or not an apology has been given. You get a sense that forgiveness is a limitless concept. In stark contrast, however, stands the belief that probation will close and, somehow, forgiveness will end! We clear…
24 Jan 1 hr 34 min

Bible Perspective on The Bride of Christ

Some believe the bride of Christ is the church. Whilst others will assert that the people of God cannot be represented as the bride since they are guests to the Lamb's marriage. How can this apparent contradiction to be harmonised? What, if any, is the salvivic lesson to be learnt…
20 Dec 2024 1 hr 32 min

Bible Perspective on Christ's Move into the Most Holy Place

"Do you know as a Christian what happened in 1844? Do you know what Christ is doing at the moment in heaven?" This is how the News24 article of 29 August 2013 started before it then went on to sensitise the readers on how the information to be shared might…
15 Nov 2024 1 hr 35 min

Kids Perspective: The birth of Jesus Christ

Have you ever wondered what children think about the birth of Jesus and the events around His birth? One of the kids asks what to know what God saw in Mary to choose her among all the women in the world? Find out what more they are curious about.
8 Nov 2024 1 hr 48 min

Bible Perspective on remembering the Protestant Reformation

Reformation is a standard term used in Christianity to refer to that process of implementing changes in order to make improvements, especially to ones spiritual life. But often this term conjures images of an old German church with some pieces of paper being nailed to it's doors in the early…
1 Nov 2024 1 hr 33 min

Bible Perspective on The Disappointments of the Great Disappointment

22 October 1844 is remembered differently in the Christian world depending on who you ask. Others claim there was a mighty move in Christ's ministry at that time, whilst others see a stark failure from overzealous extremists. What is your take? But more importantly, what is the Bible's Perspective on…
25 Oct 2024 1 hr 43 min

Understanding Sin and it's Implications

Sin is a riddle, a mystery, a reality that eludes definition and comprehension. Perhaps we most often think of sin as wrongdoing or transgression of God's law. Sin includes a failure to do what is right. But sin also offends people; it is violence and lovelessness toward other people, and…
18 Oct 2024 1 hr 07 min

Kids Perspective on Prophets

What do children think about prophecy and prophets? Take a listen as your children aged between 7 and 13 ask our pastor questions regarding prophets, prophets and science.
11 Oct 2024 1 hr 34 min

Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Church: an Opportunity or a Curse

Whether used for communication, content production, research, media facilitation and entertainment, or just social media, many of us cannot imagine living in the twenty-first century without the internet and the supporting technologies. Yet the explosive growth in artificial intelligence (AI) and it's generative capability has the potential to have more…
4 Oct 2024 58 min

Bible Perspective on The Journey of God's Church

What if I told you that there actually a church that God Himself started. That this church, despite the devil's attempts to quash it, has continued, unbroken, from when it's congregants gathered amidst the trees even to date. B in fact, what if I added to all this, the claim…
4 Oct 2024 1 hr 16 min

Bible Perspective on Bible vs the law of the land

The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. According to the Wycliffe Global Alliance, as of September 2023 all of the Bible has been translated into 736 languages. According to popularity, - King James Version (55%) - New International Version (19%) -…
27 Sep 2024 1 hr 38 min

Bible Perspective on the Holy Spirit's Gifts and Fruit

Christ's promise was that the Holy Spirit's would equip human beings and guide them into all truth. In this study, we want to understand the Fruit and the Gifts that He gives. Are these two the same thing or we're just splitting hairs in trying to differentiate them... Especially if…
20 Sep 2024 1 hr 33 min

Bible Perspective on Absent Fathers

The scourge of absent fathers is nothing new yet its a painful one. Zanele Zama and her guests discuss the absence of fathers has on their Children and the importance of healing.
6 Sep 2024 1 hr 44 min

Bible Perspective on Dress Reform | a Cultural Take

In the dress discussion, what role does culture and traditions play? Could it be that we adopted a Western culture along with Adventism, and in turn discarded what was African norms in the name of Christianity? Let's see what the Bible's Perspective is on these pertinent questions with Pr Bonolo…
2 Aug 2024 1 hr 35 min

Bible Perspective on Dress Reform and Decorum

Ever heard of dress reform? What does it mean and when do you apply it? Speaking of application, is it static, or like culture, it is dynamic and morphs with time? Is it really that important though? If it is, when was the last time you heard a lesson on…
12 Jul 2024 1 hr 36 min
1 – 20