News Talk 94.1 Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger

Each week, join Kathryn Wisinger from the Putnam County Library will discuss the latest in books and what goes on inside libraries around the Upper Cumberland. A new show airs ever Sunday at 3 PM on News Talk 94.1.
Weekly English South Africa Books
66 Episodes
20 – 40

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Rex Bennett, Lane Motor Museum

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger talks with Rex Bennett, the Educational Director for the Lane Motor Museum. They discuss some of the background for the Lane Motor Museum and Rex's daily role, the different type of cars the museum is known for one being microcars, and why countries…
12 Nov 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Meet Children's Author Lisa Robbins

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger visits with Lisa Robbins, a children's book author from Fentress County. They touch on if writing was something Lisa had always wanted to do, how much time she dedicates to writing and the process she uses to write, and more on her newest…
5 Nov 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Book Lovers' Club

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger sits down with Vicky Draper, the President of the Book Lovers' Club. They go over how the Book Lovers' Club came to be in 1923, when the library finally moved into a building after being in a house for many years, and two…
15 Oct 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Serina Wells, Owner of Petal and Rake

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger talks with Serina Wells, a master gardener, a gardening educator, and the owner of Petal and Rake in Cookeville. They discuss Serina's background growing up in the nursery trade, how she came up with the name Petal and Rake along with what she…
1 Oct 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: The Visitors' Bureau Shan Stout

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger visits with Shan Stout from the Visitors' Bureau in Cookeville. They talk about Shan's different backgrounds with one of them dealing with publishing, how does tourism support our community, and what are some things people should expect when they visit the Visitors' Center…
24 Sep 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Amy Ing, Spotlight Costumes

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger sits down with Amy Ing from Spotlight Costumes in Cookeville. Amy gives the background of Spotlight Costumes from who works alongside her to some of the help they get with the costumes, the focus of the business being more rental style costumes, and…
17 Sep 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Musician Andrew Buckner On Writing

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger visits with Andrew Buckner, a local musician who talks about his writing background. They look at if Andrew ever thought writing would become a career he saw himself in, breaking down what script writing is touching on everything from blogs to helping realtors…
10 Sep 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Julie Byers of Blood Assurance

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger visits with Julie Byers, account manager & donor recruitment from Blood Assurance. They look at Julie gives more details about the American Red Cross, what the Red Cross does to provide help during a disaster, and more on her role with blood drives…
27 Aug 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Dr. Barbara Fleming Talks Medical Tips

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger talks with Dr. Barbara Fleming, a health and well-being expert.  The two talk about what exactly a medical error is and how they're categorized, why something like this can be so common in today's modern age of healthcare, and ways that medical errors…
20 Aug 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Jill Mynatt, Co-founder of El Puente

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger talks with Jill Mynatt the co-founder of El Puente in Cookeville. The two look at the background of El Puente and the urge to get involved locally within Cookeville, Jill's team members and how they work within the community and organization, and the…
6 Aug 2023 18 min

Check It Out With Kathryn Wisinger: Chelsea Gifford of Save The Children

This week on Check It Out...Kathryn Wisinger meets with Chelsea Gifford, Community Outreach Coordinator for Save The Children. Chelsea talks about the history of Save The Children beginning with its formation in 1919, how long she has worked for the organization, and big projects that she's been involved with in…
23 Jul 2023 18 min
20 – 40