East Coast Radio - Catch Up Jane Linley-Thomas (Archive)

Jane Linley-Thomas (Archive)

If Jane Linley-Thomas were to appear in the dictionary, you’d find the following words next to her name: high-energy, passion, inspirational and exuberance. This channel features some of the content from Jane's radio shows.
Weekly English South Africa Society & Culture · Kids & Family
502 Episodes
20 – 40

Woman who suffers from MG thrilled for her new lease on life

Megan was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis at 15-years-old and has been battling this disease with a smile. A crowdfunding page has been started in her name, and over R250,000 was raised for her to have a life-saving treatment. She contacted Jane to share her thanks to all who pledged.
10 Dec 2018 1 min

A real life mermaid emerges!

Whilst broadcasting from Umhlanga main beach in Durban, Jane Linley-Thomas spotted a mermaid on shore! It turns out that Thalia, The Mermaid as she is known is South Africa's first professional Mermaid. East Coasters were amazed by the sighting of Thalia as they all made their way to witness her…
7 Dec 2018 2 min

The 'happy' school who's also a beneficiary of #ECRToyStory18

Toy Story Corporate Day is a day synonymous with large scale giving in KwaZulu-Natal. Big businesses and celebrities will rally together on Friday 07 December to raise funds for underprivileged children in KZN as part of East Coast Radio Toy Story, in partnership with Toys R Us & Babies R…
6 Dec 2018 2 min

Jane confesses her childhood secrets

In Jane's World, it was a real Confession Session. Jane Linley-Thomas asked listeners: 'What's the one lie you told your parents growing up?' - and the responses are hilarious.
6 Dec 2018 4 min

EXCLUSIVE: 'My son got addicted to heroin without realising it'

In an exclusive interview with Jane, a mother from the Upper Highway area has candidly spoken up about how her son got addicted to heroin unknowingly, and how he went from being someone she loved to someone completely different. He was a 15-year-old boy from an ordinary home in the…
2 Dec 2018 36 min

Annoying work email phrases

While emails are considered an effective means of communication in the office, sometimes the 'professional' phrases used can have alternative meanings. While emails, like other forms of communication, are quick to send, it gets pretty difficult to read a sender's tone in an email - no matter how hard you…
27 Nov 2018 3 min

Should restaurants deny serving people who are obese?

Obesity is a problem around the world and even more of an issue here in South Africa. According to Health24, the South African Demographic and Health Survey found that almost 70% of South African women are overweight or obese and the number is 13% for that of South African children…
20 Nov 2018 4 min

Kyle Deutsch on 'Summer Love'

KZN's very own Kyle Deutsch joined Jane-Linley Thomas on East Coast Radio on Friday afternoon for a Jam session in studio. Kyle is most known for his collaboration with fellow Durbanite, Shekinah on their smash hit: Back To The Beach which was released in 2015. Listen as Kyle shares with…
16 Nov 2018 5 min

Keeping 'the dream' alive with kids, creatively

Parents have the responsibility to keep the dreams of their kids alive, but sometimes they forget, and then the panic starts to set in. Jane shared her crazy story on Thursday. How far has KZN gone to keep 'the dream' alive for your kids?
15 Nov 2018 5 min

How to deal with people who are difficult

We all have that one acquaintance you're not quite sure why you tolerate. Jane has decided to share her personal experience on Wednesday's Jane's World.
14 Nov 2018 4 min

The hardest pill I've had to swallow in 2018 is...

2018 has been a hard year for us all in some way or the other. On Tuesday, Jane asked: "What has been a bitter pill to swallow during 2018". KZN responded, and their comments will leave you teary-eyed.
13 Nov 2018 5 min

Wendy Knowler discusses KZN salmonella outbreak

Consumer expert Wendy Knowler told Jane Linley-Thomas that according to the South African Poultry Association - the eggs from Old Town Italy's supplier were tested - and found not to be the source of the salmonella.
9 Nov 2018 8 min

Should parents buy their child their first car?

A KZN mom is divided as to whether to buy her son his first car for his upcoming birthday. While she thinks it's a good idea, her husband can't help but think it's wrong for her to consider it.
7 Nov 2018 4 min

Calum Scott's opening act shares their excitement

Platinum-selling singer/songwriter and Britain's Got Talent finalist, Calum Scott has announced the South African dates for his ‘Only Human’ Tour, performing live in Durban 9th November. Local talents: 'Opposite The Other' have been announced as the opening act for the concert in Durban and they joined Jane on East Coast…
7 Nov 2018 2 min

"Should I buy my son his first car for his birthday?"

A KZN mom shared a WhatsApp voice note with me about her son's upcoming 21st birthday. She so badly wants to buy him his first car, but her husband doesn't quite agree, as it's not 'teaching him responsibility'.
7 Nov 2018 1 min
20 – 40