Radio Pulpit Mphatlalatsane


Listeners can expect a fresh Word from God early in the morning every weekday. Pastors from different denominations join us to teach the Word of God.
Daily Sotho South Africa Christianity · Christianity
727 Episodes
1 – 20

Living as children of light #8

Pastor Zani Dladla is teaching about living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:29-32. He emphasizes that we must avoid letting any unwholesome or harmful words come from our mouths. Instead, our speech should be uplifting and beneficial, building others up according to their needs. As followers of Christ,…
18 Oct 5AM 8 min

Living as children of light #7

Pastor Zani Dladla is teaching about living as children of light, referencing Ephesians 4:25-28. He emphasizes the importance of putting away falsehood and speaking truthfully to one another, as part of living in integrity and reflecting the light of Christ in our daily lives.
18 Oct 5AM 8 min

Little things matter

Pastor Gwen Matshoba emphasizes that the seemingly small things in life hold great significance. For example, children's ministry is often undervalued, yet it forms the foundation of our future, where everything is built. She highlights how Jesus recognized the young boy with just five loaves and two fish, and through…
17 Oct 6AM 22 min

Follow the instruction

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches the importance of following instructions, drawing from John 2:1-8, where Mary tells the servants, "Do whatever He tells you to do." She emphasizes that everything in creation, from nature to the sun and moon, operates successfully by adhering to set instructions. In the same way, Christians…
17 Oct 6AM 26 min

Digging holes for the righteous

Pastor A. L. N. Moloantoa speaks on Psalm 7:15-17, highlighting the dangers of digging traps for the righteous. He explains that those who set snares for others often fall into the very pits they’ve dug themselves. David speaks of those who grow weary from their own actions, as the traps…
17 Oct 5AM 16 min

The importance of the trees in the old testament

Pastor Gwen Matshoba highlights the significance of the trees mentioned in the Old Testament, emphasizing that as Christians, we sometimes tend to overlook these scriptures, believing they are less relevant to us under the New Testament. However, as Colossians 2:17 reminds us, the Old Testament serves as a shadow of…
17 Oct 5AM 19 min

Living as children of light #6

Pastor Zani Dladla is teaching about the importance of putting on the new self, as described in Ephesians 4:24. He emphasizes that as believers, we are called to embrace a renewed identity in Christ, characterized by righteousness and holiness. This new self reflects the image of God, and by walking…
11 Oct 4AM 8 min

Living as children of light #5

Pastor Zani Dladla continues his teaching on living as children of light, referencing Ephesians 4:22-23. He emphasizes the need to cast off our old self, with its former way of life, and be renewed in the attitude of our minds, embracing the new self-created to be like God in true…
11 Oct 4AM 6 min

Hedge around the righteous

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa highlights the protective hedge that surrounds the righteous, as seen in Job 1:9-10. He teaches that when we distance ourselves from God, we remove that protection, leaving ourselves vulnerable to the enemy's attacks. Living unrighteously, he adds, mirrors the warning in Ecclesiastes 10:8, where falling…
11 Oct 4AM 15 min

Our salvation is a miracle

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa speaks of our salvation as a miraculous gift. In Matthew 13:17, Jesus reveals to His disciples that the way He communicates with them is distinct from how He communicates with the world. He shares with them the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, preparing them…
11 Oct 3AM 15 min

Proper time and procedure

Pastor Gwen Matshoba emphasizes the importance of understanding the proper time and procedure for every matter, as reflected in Ecclesiastes 8:6. She teaches that every creation has a purpose, and its life passes through various seasons and cycles. Just as the changing weather affects the environment, so too do seasons…
11 Oct 3AM 21 min

Power of agreement

Dr. A L N Moloantoa teaches on the transformative power of agreement, drawing from Genesis 11:1-9 to illustrate how unity leads to progress and success, while disagreement breeds confusion. He emphasizes that effective communication, when grounded in love, yields greater results. The text shows that the situation in Babel even…
4 Oct 7AM 16 min

Living as children of light #4

Pastor Zani Dladla continues his series on "Living as Children of Light," drawing from Ephesians 4:21: "When you heard about Christ and were taught in Him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus." Given that we have received the message of Christ and been instructed in His truth,…
13 Sep 6AM 7 min

Living as children of light #3

Pastor Zani Dladla emphasizes living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:19-20: "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality, indulging in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. That, however, is not the way of life you learned." He explains how the…
13 Sep 5AM 7 min

Reason to fight/ Why do we fight

Pastor Gwen Matshoba speaks on the reason we fight. Referencing Revelation 12:7-9, where "Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back," she explains that this spiritual warfare continues today. As we strive to live in alignment with God, the devil opposes us,…
13 Sep 4AM 20 min

Learn to focus on what is left not what is lost

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches the importance of focusing on what remains rather than dwelling on what has been lost. In 1 Kings, we read about the widow of Zarephath, in 2 Kings, the widow's oil, in Mark, the widow’s offering, and in Luke, Jesus resurrecting the son of a widow…
13 Sep 3AM 19 min

Married to the four wives

Dr. A. L. N. Moloantoa shares a profound analogy about a king who had four wives, drawing a parallel to the things we are attached to in life. He explains that each of us, like the king, is "married" to four aspects of life: The fourth wife, who was cherished…
6 Sep 3AM 15 min

Living as children of light #2

Pastor Zani Dladla teaches on living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:18, which speaks about the spiritual state of the Gentiles. The verse says, "They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the…
5 Sep 7AM 7 min

Living as children of light #1

Pastor Zani Dladla emphasizes the importance of living as children of light, drawing from Ephesians 4:17, where Paul urges believers: "So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do." This call challenges Christians to abandon the ways…
5 Sep 7AM 7 min

Compromising the word of God

Pastor Gwen Motshoba is teaching about compromising God's Word, referencing Genesis 4:19-24. In this passage, Lamech is introduced as the first recorded instance of polygamy. He was fully aware of God's laws, as evidenced by his reference to Scripture when addressing the murder he had committed. This highlights how he…
5 Sep 6AM 19 min
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