Impact 103 Word for the day

Word for the day

Alive to God sends out Daily Thoughts of encouragement via e-mail to inspire believers in their walk of faith with God. We would love to encourage those who would like to experience more of God.
If you choose to subscribe a new DAILY THOUGHT will be sent directly to your e-mail address every weekday.

May you be inspired, motivated and encouraged by each Daily Thought.
Daily English South Africa Christianity · Self-Improvement
489 Episodes
1 – 20

Word for today | John 16:33b

Daily Thought John 16:33b ‘In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.’ We were never promised a trouble-free life. Adversity is something we all face. God wants you to be courageous, confident and undaunted. Through Him you can overcome and as a result you…
24 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | James 1:4

Daily Thought James 1:4 ‘Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’ Each one of us is a work in progress. In each of our lives there are areas where we need to grow and develop. God is at work within your…
23 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 103:13

Daily Thought Psalm 103:13 ‘As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.’ The Lord longs to show you His loving kindness and compassion. He cares deeply about you and His love for you is tender and compassionate. Let the Lord…
22 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 103:12

Daily Thought Psalm 103:12 ‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.’ God’s forgiveness goes beyond what we could ever understand. Your past mistakes, regrets and shame, are something that He can remove. When God forgives, He gives us a…
21 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today |

Daily Thought Exodus 6:6NLT ‘I am the LORD. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery…’ The Lord is the great Deliverer. He can deliver you from any sort of oppression and bondage. His desire is that you would be free and enjoy the…
20 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 6:6NLT

Daily Thought Exodus 6:6NLT ‘I am the LORD. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery…’ The Lord is the great Deliverer. He can deliver you from any sort of oppression and bondage. His desire is that you would be free and enjoy the…
20 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 2:24 CEV

Daily Thought Exodus 2:24 CEV ‘God heard their loud cries. He did not forget the promise He had made…’ The Lord will never forget or abandon the promises He has made. The Lord knows the cry of your heart and He will not ignore your pain. His promises can be…
17 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 104:2

Daily Thought Psalm 104:2 'The LORD wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens like a tent.’ There is something so great about God that it’s hard for us to grasp. He is light and His light has come to flood your life. The Lord…
16 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Acts 9:3

Daily Thought Acts 9:3 ‘As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him.’ In life we live through many different seasons. During some seasons, nothing seems to be happening. In other seasons, it is as if everything happens at the same time…
15 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Job 42:10

Daily Thought Job 42:10 ‘The LORD turned the captivity of Job… and the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.’ Turning situations around is part of what God does for His children. If you need a ‘turnaround’ in your life – ask the Lord to do just…
14 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 14:13 (NLT)

Daily Thought Exodus 14:13 (NLT) ‘Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today.’ There are times when standing and holding our ground is the best option. Fear can make us jittery and cause us to react instead of responding. We must not allow fear to…
13 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 44:5

Daily Thought Psalm 44:5 ‘Through You we push back our enemies; through Your Name we trample our foes.’ With God’s strength, you can have victory over challenges and adversities. God’s Name carries power and authority, helping you to overcome. With God’s help you can push back and stand firm. Because…
10 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Luke 11:3

Daily Thought Luke 11:3 ‘Give us each day our daily bread.’ With each day you can trust that God will supply your needs. Ultimately He is your ‘breadwinner’. As you get up each day, ask Him to give you your daily bread. He is your Provider and He knows what…
9 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Matthew 6:34

Daily Thought Matthew 6:34 ‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.’ Too much time is spent worrying about too much. We need to remind ourselves that nothing is too hard for God. He is the One Who goes before you and behind you. He is…
8 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 46:2 (GNT)

Daily Thought Psalm 46:2 (GNT) ‘So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths.’ At times it can feel like the foundations of our lives are shaking. Things can feel unstable and unpredictable. But we have a sure foundation in…
7 Oct 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 30:5b

Daily Thought Psalm 30:5b ‘Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.’ With God in our lives the best always lies ahead of us. Your story is not over yet – there is more to come. God will turn things around from weeping to joy. His…
7 Oct 5AM 1 min

Word for today | Jeremiah 1:12

Daily Thought Jeremiah 1:12 ‘I (the Lord) am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.’ The Lord actively watches over His promises to see them come to pass. In His faithfulness, no word He has spoken will fail. Trust in His timing and His perfect plan for your life…
1 Oct 3AM 1 min

Word for today | 1 Kings 19:11

Daily Thought 1 Kings 19:11 “The LORD said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.’” We need to position ourselves and believe for more of His presence in our lives. Hiding in the shadows or living…
29 Sep 11PM 1 min

Word for today | 1 Kings 19:9

Daily Thought 1 Kings 19:9 “There Elijah entered a cave and spent the night. And the Word of the LORD came to him, saying, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” In a moment of weakness, Elijah found refuge in isolation. But right there in his weakness and isolation the Lord…
26 Sep 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 33:22

Daily Thought Exodus 33:22 ‘I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with My hand…’ The safest place to be is as close to Him as possible. When trouble comes, He will hide you close to Himself. All you need to do is to choose…
25 Sep 11PM 1 min
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