Maranatha Drive

Maranatha Drive is the show that gives the last push to end your day. Filled with energy, good music, and great conversation the show guarantees to help ease your day into the evening. Presented by Zama Malote, Maranatha Drive touches on current affairs and many bible-based conversations.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity
590 Episodes
1 – 20

Education | What Constitutes a Slow Learner?

Slow learners are often stuck between a rock and a hard place: their cognitive abilities are too high to be considered for an intellectual disability, but their cognitive abilities are usually too low to be considered for a learning disability. Zweli Mqhayi from Career Movez helps us understand a slow…
17 Jun 12 min

VOP Lesson | Seven Secrets of Answered Prayer

When we read stories of Elijah and Moses and Daniel, and how their prayers were answered in a mighty way, time and time again, it’s easy to believe they had some kind of cheat code to getting things done. Can we also get similar results when we pray?
17 Jun 16 min

Bible Corner | Facing Your Giants

This week, we’re going to be talking about the giants that we face in life; we all have different challenges at different stages of life, but one thing is for sure; if you haven’t faced a giant yet, you will at some point. But what are these giants and what…
17 Jun 10 min

Lifestyle | Renal Colic – Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi or urolithiasis, are a common disorder affecting many people. Today’s lesson will give us more information about this disorder and how to avoid, or manage it effectively.
14 Jun 18 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Law of God

The Law that has been passed down from generation to generation and then recorded in the Bible is important to us as Adventists and as Christians. Let’s take some time to understand the purpose of God’s law.
14 Jun 17 min

Bible Corner | Good vs. Bad Company

Let’s wrap this lesson up today, with a focus on a practical way to surround oneself with good company, as well as to ensure that you, yourself, are good company as well.
14 Jun 13 min

Legal | Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights (IPR) have been defined as ideas, inventions, and creative expressions based on which there is a public willingness to bestow the status of property. IPR provide certain exclusive rights to the inventors or creators of that property, in order to enable them to reap commercial benefits from…
13 Jun 21 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Law of God

The Law of God is often referred to as “The Ten Commandments” in religious circles. There are many beliefs about the interpretation and enforcement of God’s law, and we will be learning more about the truth this week.
12 Jun 14 min

Bible Corner | Good vs. Bad Company

We’ve spent some time discussing the dangers of bad company as well as some of the unavoidable situations we may find ourselves in, where our company is simply an extension of our environment. But in 2024, we recognise that the company we keep goes beyond those we associate with in…
12 Jun 11 min

Family | Pros & Cons of Marrying Later in Life

Over the past few decades, the age of marriage has been increasing in every region of the world for both men and women; furthermore, more than half of marriages occur after age 30 in many developed nations. What are some of the reasons for this, and what are the pros…
11 Jun 13 min

VOP Lesson | Public Prayer

Yesterday we talked about private prayer and its power and purpose in our lives. What then is the point of public prayer? What purpose does it serve in the life of the individual and the church as a whole?
11 Jun 14 min

Bible Corner | Good vs. Bad Company

Yesterday, we read from 1 Corinthians 15:33, which tells us that “Bad company ruins good morals.” But Jesus was often found in the company of corrupt tax collectors, women of ill repute, and people who probably would never be voted in as Elders in most of our churches today. What…
11 Jun 15 min

VOP Lesson | Private Prayer

Today’s lesson is going to enlighten us on the power and importance of private prayer, and perhaps help us understand why we need one-on-one time with God, apart from the corporate worship services we have at church or prayer groups.
10 Jun 11 min

Bible Corner | Good vs. Bad Company

Today we begin our new topic for the week, and this week we’ll be discussing Good vs. Bad Company, beginning with a verse taken from 1 Corinthians 15:33, which says, “Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.”
10 Jun 11 min

Bible Corner | Temptation

We will be ending our conversation on temptation by gaining strength from examples of people who triumphed over temptation, and some practical lessons on resisting temptation.
7 Jun 19 min

Legal | Expungement of Criminal Record

Expungement of a criminal record is a process by which a criminal record of a convicted offender is removed from the criminal record database of the Criminal Record Centre of the South African Police Service, allowing you to carry on with life without a criminal record being an obstruction to…
6 Jun 14 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Gift of Prophecy

Throughout history, God has given revelations of His will for His people through those with the gift of prophecy. We have numerous examples that show the prophetic gift in use.
6 Jun 11 min
1 – 20