Maranatha Drive

Maranatha Drive is an afternoon commute show combining contemporary Christian music with discussions on current events and biblical insights. It aims to keep listeners informed, inspired, and connected to their faith as they end their workday. The show offers a mix of uplifting music, commentary, and spiritual reflection for an entertaining and enriching journey home.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity
914 Episodes
1 – 20

Fundamental Beliefs | The Gift of Prophecy

Throughout history, God has given revelations of His will for His people through those with the gift of prophecy. “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7, ESV).
19 Dec 10 min

Bible Corner | Reconciling Science & Faith: Are they Compatible?

Someone made an argument on an online forum addressing the subject we’re discussing this week. “The Bible is the same as it was centuries ago. Science changes when new information comes along. What does that tell you?” Essentially arguing that the Bible is static and inflexible, which could be seen…
19 Dec 27 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Gift of Prophecy

When Aaron and Miriam rebelled against Moses’ leadership, God said to them, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.” (Numbers 12:6). Over the next few days, we’re going…
18 Dec 11 min

VOP Lesson | Did the Apostles Change the Sabbath?

We’re still on a journey to figure out who, if anyone, changed the Sabbath. We’ve discovered that it was definitely not Jesus; it wasn’t God Himself either. So let’s look at what the life of the apostles tells us about their views on the Sabbath.
17 Dec 18 min

Bible Corner | Reconciling Science & Faith: Are they Compatible?

This week, we’re talking about where faith and science meet, and if at all they are compatible. There is a belief in the world that faith requires believers to suspend their logic in order to continue to believe in the Bible, whereas science comes with cold, hard, facts. We’ll be…
17 Dec 18 min

Lifestyle | Balancing Holiday Festivities & New Year Preparation

The festive holidays are a time of celebration, good food, and time spent with family and friends. But like clockwork, we know that the new year comes with a new set of responsibilities and challenges, including for learners. In today’s talk, we will discuss how to balance rest and relaxation…
16 Dec 10 min

VOP Lesson | Did Jesus Change the Sabbath?

According to Jesus, the Ten Commandments and all the moral principles in the Old Testament scriptures are not subject to change. With that in mind, let’s figure out if Jesus ever changed the Sabbath.
16 Dec 16 min

Bible Corner | Reconciling Science & Faith: Are they Compatible?

Statistics indicate that scientists are three times less likely to attend weekly religious services than non-scientists. Less than ten percent of American scientists believe in a personal God. To atheist Richard Dawkins these statistics prove “that the more intelligent, rational, and scientifically minded you are, the less you will be…
16 Dec 14 min

Lifestyle | How Diet Affects Brain Function

Several dietary components have been identified as having effects on cognitive abilities. Amazingly, the food you eat affects neurons, which are the major cells of the brain, not just in terms of emotional and mental state, but also the ability of the brain to receive, store and process information.
13 Dec 13 min

Bible Corner | The Power of Prayer

We’ve spoken of prayer as communication between ourselves and God, but often times we don’t place enough weight on the value of hearing back from God. Today, we conclude with a lesson on the importance of Bible study, and how it impacts the quality and direction of our prayers.
13 Dec 18 min

Legal | COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation Scheme

In the early months of 2021 and just over a year after the COVID-19 pandemic had started, the South African government secured millions of vaccine doses from several pharmaceutical manufacturers. As part of the terms of the agreement between governments and the manufacturers, governments were required to exempt the manufacturers,…
12 Dec 19 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Spiritual Gifts & Ministries

When used in service of others or sharing the gospel, our talents are often referred to spiritual gifts. God knows us better than we know ourselves, and He knows exactly which skills would be both a blessing to us and to those around us.
12 Dec 17 min

Bible Corner | The Power of Prayer

Intercessory prayer is prayer before God on behalf of others. While there is no one specific way to do intercessory prayer, there are certain tools that can help us along the way, and in today’s lesson we will learn how to make the most of intercessory prayer.
12 Dec 20 min

Transformation | End-of-Year Introspection

At the end of each year, it is important to set aside some time to reflect on how it went. It may have been an amazing year or a completely horrible one, or somewhere in between. Either way, we must make the time to look back and take some much…
11 Dec 20 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Spiritual Gifts & Ministries

God has endowed us with the talents we have, and He often calls us to use those talents for the good of others, with the Holy Spirit as our guide. We all have a special talent that we’ve found to be useful. For some of us, it might be musical…
11 Dec 21 min

Bible Corner | The Power of Prayer

Most of us, if not all, can testify that we’ve experienced the difficulty of praying, and not getting the result we hoped for. What will have gone wrong in such a case? In today’s talk, we will come to understand our role in the outcomes of our prayers.
11 Dec 19 min

VOP Lesson | Did God Change the Day?

We talked about the clear demarcation that exists within the Christian faith, where many observe Sunday, the first day of the week, as a holy day, and others observe the seventh day Sabbath in accordance with Scripture. We continue this lesson to hopefully come closer to understanding where this division…
10 Dec 12 min
1 – 20