Maranatha Drive

Maranatha Drive is the show that gives the last push to end your day. Filled with energy, good music, and great conversation the show guarantees to help ease your day into the evening. Presented by Zama Malote, Maranatha Drive touches on current affairs and many bible-based conversations.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity
527 Episodes
40 – 60

Transformation | Work/Life Balance: The Value of Time (Part 1)

Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it will lead to the development of a good habit of organizing one’s daily activities. But how exactly do we balance our time, as it seems more and more like 24…
24 Apr 31 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Church

The Church, as Scripture defines it, has little to do with a building or physical structure. The collective Church refers to the family of believers in Christ. And Seventh-day Adventists consider this belief to be central to their mission in sharing the gospel and being of service to one another.
24 Apr 14 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

The message has been given to us all to share with the world. Today’s conversation on evangelism will focus on the messenger, and his/her readiness to take the word to the world. Can you or I be used by God, just as we are?
24 Apr 14 min

Family | Navigating Changes When Children Get Married

Adjusting to the changes in a family when a child gets married is often just as difficult for parents as it is for adult children. There is no textbook on how to balance between leaving home to establish one's own family while staying connected to the family of origin. The…
23 Apr 16 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

Today our focus is on the message itself, as it relates to evangelism. What exactly are we supposed to be sharing with the world? And how well versed do we need to be with our subject matter?
23 Apr 15 min

Education | RoboSTEAM Train

With over a decade in the manufacturing industry, in 2018, Tshegofatso Dladla, an engineer, set out to ensure all South African children gain access to tech-based learning opportunities. The RoboSTEAM Train programme has taught ECD (early childhood development) and foundation phase learners across Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Today Tshego joins…
22 Apr 13 min

VOP Lesson | The Gospel in the Old Testament

Today’s lesson focuses on God’s relationship with the Israelites after they left Egypt, before they reached the promised land of Canaan. How would God dwell among them? And what was the reason for the specificity of God’s instructions?
22 Apr 9 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

This we’re focusing on a very important part of the Christian journey, which is the call to evangelism. What exactly is evangelism, and who is qualified to carry it out? We’ll spend this week focusing on the who, the what and the how of evangelism.
22 Apr 12 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Growing in Christ

What does a strong relationship with God look like? If our connection to God is strong, how will we know? And at what point can we say that we have fully grown?
19 Apr 9 min

Legal | Unfair Dismissal - Remedies

Businesses have constantly flowing and shuffling human resources, meaning people are fluidly moving in and out of companies. At times, this is voluntary by employees; but unfortunately, there are times when companies have to terminate employees for varying reasons. Last week, we talked about unfair dismissal, and today we’ll be…
18 Apr 17 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Growing in Christ

While He was on Earth, Jesus Christ lived a pure and blameless life of love, and He did this with the same human limitations we have. But since humanity’s fallen nature makes us incapable of living perfect lives through our own power, is it practical to expect the same of…
18 Apr 13 min

Fundamental Beliefs | Growing in Christ

Salvation is God’s free gift to us, as long as we accept it. But then what? What should our lives be like once we have the assurance of salvation? This week, our fundamental beliefs lesson will be focused on the issue of growing in Christ.
17 Apr 13 min

Bible Corner | Forgiveness

Today we want to talk about how God relates to our transgressors. Does He hold a grudge against them like we do? Or does He forgive them and hold it against me if I am still hurt? Does my aggressor somehow become the victim?
17 Apr 20 min

Family | Healthy Marriage Impact on Children

A strong family has many significant implications for the health and well-being of both adults and children. Studies have shown that people live longer, have less stress, and are more financially stable in a healthy family environment where both parents are present, share the responsibility of the household, and raise…
16 Apr 23 min

VOP Lesson | Unlimited Access to Jesus

Many of us may look at our lives and feel like we don’t amount to much; we certainly don’t feel that we deserve to have any kind of personal relationship with a perfect God. So, this is a very intriguing title for today’ lesson. What is it all about?
16 Apr 16 min

Bible Corner | Forgiveness

We start off today’s conversation on forgiveness with trying to understand how our relationships among ourselves as humans affect our relationship with God, as far as our theme of forgiveness goes. Does God really withhold forgiveness when we struggle to forgive those who have hurt us?
16 Apr 25 min

VOP Lesson | The Spirit-Filled Life

In our last few lessons, we’ve talked at length about the Holy Spirit as Christ’s representative on earth. Today’s lesson focuses on the life that is filled with the Holy Spirit – what is the influence that the Holy Spirit has on the life?
15 Apr 12 min
40 – 60