BBC Money Box

Money Box

All that matters about money with Paul Lewis. News of savings and investments, credit cards and loans, pensions, banking, tax, benefits and giving to charity. The UK's premier weekly round-up of personal finance from the BBC.
Weekly English United Kingdom Business
9 Episodes

Money Box Live: Care Leavers

Around 38,000 children move into care every year in the UK. That's one every 15 minutes and a significant number of looked-after children will remain in the system until they reach adulthood. So what happens then? In this programme Felicity Hannah talks about what happens when you leave care. Without…
24 Jul 29 min

Election Housing and Energy Debt Complaint

There's less than a fortnight to go before the polls open in the General Election. The deadline's passed to register to vote, but there's still plenty of time to work out where you'll put that cross on the ballot paper. This week Money Box is talking about housing - focusing…
20 Jul 26 min

Money Box Live: Older Workers

The number of people working into their late 60s, their 70s and beyond is rising. In this programme we'll discuss what that means for their employment rights and what it tells us about their finances.Back in the 90s, only around 5% of peopled aged 65 or older were in work…
17 Jul 28 min

Tax and the Election and Help with Bills

Nineteen days to go before your cross on a ballot paper will help decide who runs the country. You have been telling Money Box what matters to you. This week we'll discuss how much tax you already pay and whether that will change after 4th July. The head of the…
13 Jul 26 min

Cost of Care and Energy Credit

As we continue our series of listener questions ahead of the election, we focus on the Cost of Care and how care later in life should be paid for. Dan Whitworth has been to Shipley to meet Graham, who’s concerned about the cost of his own care – he wants…
6 Jul 25 min

Pensions and 'drip pricing'

We hear from a pensioner on benefits who tells us she was shocked to find herself having to pay tax on her pension for the first time. With expert help, we explain the so-called ‘triple-lock’ mechanism and why the point at which you can be taxed on your pension has…
29 Jun 26 min

General Election and Fraud report

What are the financial issues that you will be considering when you decide how to cast your vote in the General Election in July? Research shows that the economy and inflation are two big issues on our minds - we'll hear from some potential voters on what they'd like to…
22 Jun 28 min

Carers Allowance and HMRC helpline

Money Box can reveal that the government is recouping more than £250m pounds from over 100,000 carers who it says broke the earnings rule and should have lost their carer's allowance. The numbers came from a Parliamentary Question this week asked by the chair of the work and pensions select…
15 Jun 26 min

Money Box Live: How to Increase Your Pay

Do you get as much as you give when it comes to your job? We've had some important jobs numbers this week - with official data showing there are more vacancies than there were before covid but, the number is falling, while unemployment is rising. But alongside that, wages are…
12 Jun 31 min