December Promo Book Reviews
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Radio Pulpit's e-Companion platform offers a variety of 📖 books as wholesome reading material for the month of December❗
1) Dr. Arnold Mol's ‘Let’s both win' is a wonderful way to deepen relationships over this festive season.
2) Francois van Niekerk, the founder of Mergon, shares valuable life and Kingdom-business advice with his readers.
3) Tania Strauss' spiritual romance, 'Jessie', to add just that little bit of light reading pleasure.
1) Dr. Arnold Mol's ‘Let’s both win' is a wonderful way to deepen relationships over this festive season.
2) Francois van Niekerk, the founder of Mergon, shares valuable life and Kingdom-business advice with his readers.
3) Tania Strauss' spiritual romance, 'Jessie', to add just that little bit of light reading pleasure.