Bill sends his question in all the way from Australia. A regular listener, he enjoys our programme through bone conduction headphones. But what are these devices, and does listening to loud sounds through them predispose a person to damaging their hearing in the same way as traditional headphones? James Tytko…
Kevin wants to know, assuming many of us will be driving electric cars in the future, what will happen to the vast quantities of petrol currently refined from crude oil? Will we scale back production? Or can industry adapt? To help James Tytko with the answer, we hear from Professor…
George writes in to ask whether his gum-chewing habits are related to his tinnitus, or whether it's just a coincidence that it comes back when he gets back into the habit. James Tytko investigates, with help from ear, nose and throat doctor Malcolm Hilton... Like this podcast? Please help us…
In our Question of the Week, Andrew wants to know why many people may experience dreams differently when holidaying in the mountains. To find out what might be behind the 'high-definition' dreams associated with high places, James Tytko sought the help of Andrew Murray, Professor of Metabolic Physiology at the…
Damian wants to know, if at one stage all of the continents were joined together, what was on the other side? Was it all just water? James Tytko investigated whether this was the case, and what the consequences would be for conditions on Earth of one giant global ocean... Like… may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.