Pioneering Hub for Gender-Based Violence Care and Training launched in Stellenbosch - Adv Bonnie Currie-Gamwo.

South Africa grapples with a crisis of gender-based violence, recording some of the world’s highest rates of violence against women and girls. To address the urgent need of sexual assault victims in the Cape, Professor Wolfgang Schöneberg and Dr Edwin Herzog spearheaded a collaboration with a group of stakeholders including the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). It has resulted in the establishment of the first-of-its-kind Stellenbosch GBV centre in Ida’s Valley, which opened its doors in February. Adv. Bonnie Currie-Gamwo, the Special Director of Public Prosecution: Sexual Offences and a pivotal figure within the GBV Leadership Group, sheds light on the escalating rates of GBV, despite numerous interventions, in an interview with Biznews. She highlights the diverse range of victims, spanning from children as young as six to individuals in their fifties and males, who have found solace and support within the newly opened centre. Currie-Gamwo emphasises the crucial role played by collaborative efforts between the private and state sectors in providing comprehensive care for victims of GBV, expressing her aspirations to replicate this model across South Africa.
9 Apr 9AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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