Set aside political crony’s R21-billion gas tender-Kevin Mileham

A controversial gas tender awarded to a man who was named 176 times in the Mpati Commission report into malfeasance at the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) should be terminated with immediate effect. That is the call from Kevin Mileham, the Democratic Alliance's (DA’s) Shadow Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy following earlier warnings by his party that Equator Holdings “run, owned, and managed” by Lawrence Mulaudzi does not have the money and technical skills to fulfil the tender requirement of rebuilding PetroSA’s critical gas infrastructure - and is now “shopping around” for potential funders and technical partners for the project. “PetroSA is a failing State-owned entity. And you don't fix that by giving tenders to cronies,” Mileham says. Meanwhile Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe “is very, very quiet about this whole issue” - and is “more interested in campaigning right now than in dealing with the issues in the entities that are under his control”.

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30 Apr 8AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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