The personality types most likely to be scammed…

Cyber criminals are masters at triggering human psychological needs - and people with an agreeable personality have a higher chance of being manipulated to share private and sensitive information. That is according to a new study at Stellenbosch University (SU). In this interview with BizNews, system analyst Vian Smit describes the striking correlation between personality types and cybersecurity risk. Smit explains which character traits in agreeable people and extroverts make them good prey for cyber crooks. But he has good news for neurotics whose character traits protect them against scammers. He urges organisations to incorporate human personality types in their counter cyber crime measures. “If we know there is a certain individual that might pose a bigger risk for information loss or information breaches, then I think it would be smart to have a stricter cybersecurity policy applied to such individuals.”
14 May 6AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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