On a mission to broaden perspectives, build relations, like Madiba did - Judy Sikuza - WEF 2024 Young Global leader

Nelson Mandela embodied a spirit of reconciliation and was intent on broadening perspectives, which led to a peaceful transition in South Africa from apartheid to a democratic state. Judy Sikuza, the CEO of the Nelson Rhodes Foundation, wants to amplify this spirit as one of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders. Sikuza is one of three African leaders selected to drive positive change in the world for the next three years. In an interview with Biznews, Sikuza expressed her desire to use this opportunity to explore how we could collaborate more effectively globally on a variety of issues, including AI and climate change. She also commented on the controversy around the use of Cecil John Rhodes’ name, stating that Mandela saw it as an opportunity to practically express the legacy of reconciliation and reparations, and to redistribute some of the wealth to build the next generation.
14 May 1PM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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