S4, Ep.7 What does VR have to do with fighting fires?

Most of us have heard the words Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Depending on what you think of these advances in technology, these words could strike fear or delight in your heart. Or perhaps you’re still on the fence about this one. But what if these advances in technology could do more than write a paragraph for you or create a fake photo?

In this episode, Tebogo Mokwele, an alumnus of the e-Track Programme for high-impact entrepreneurs launched by the UCT Graduate School of Business’s Solution Space, is a social entrepreneur who has identified some incredible opportunities in this field for closing the gap in the area of on-the-job training and skills development. Someone else who is interested in Virtual Reality is Dr Jason Van Staden, Project Manager of Research and Training in the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s Innovative Finance portfolio. Jason comments on how Virtual Reality technology is being used in innovative finance to lower the barriers to entry for the underbanked in Africa.

The Bertha Centre is the first specialised centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship and focuses on researching, educating, convening, catalysing and advocating for social, environmental and economic justice. Find out more at https://gsbberthacentre.uct.ac.za/. This podcast is produced by 2stories in collaboration with the Bertha Centre, UCT Graduate School of Business, and the Bertha Foundation.
21 Aug 2024 English South Africa Business · Non-Profit

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