5th September 2024 : Survey of the Minor Prophets: God's Message through Twelve Voices Technical Thursday

: Survey of the Minor Prophets: God's Message through Twelve Voices

In this episode of Technical Thursday with Rocky Stevenson Pastor of Benoni Bible Church, we embark on a journey through the Minor Prophets, twelve powerful books that, despite their brevity, carry profound messages about God’s judgment, mercy, justice, and redemptive plan. From Hosea's portrayal of God's unfailing love to Malachi's call to faithfulness, these prophetic voices offer timeless truths that resonate through the ages. Join us as we explore each prophet's unique contribution to the grand narrative of Scripture, culminating in the hope found in Christ, the ultimate fulfilment of these ancient promises. #MinorProphets #BibleStudy #GodsWord #HoseaToMalachi #BiblicalJustice #PropheticVoices #RedemptivePlan #TechnicalThursday #Podcast
5 Sep 2AM English South Africa Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

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