Neil de Beer - Days of Drama: Steenhuisen, Mashatile, Lesufi, Zuma, Malema & Gordhan
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In his latest Sunday Show with BizNews, United Independent Movement President Neil de Beer gives his take on the political dramas of the past week: Democratic Alliance leader John Steenhuisen’s failed blackmail attempt of President Cyril Ramaphosa over the signing of the BELA Bill, and having to get rid of his Chief of Staff; Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s public collapse, possibly because of food poisoning, and many ANC supporters clamouring for Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi to take his place; the torrents of opposing sentiment unleashed by the death of former Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan and his controversial legacy. He also speaks about how Economic Freedom Fighters CIC Julius Malema is being politically slaughtered by former President Jacob Zuma’s MKP. And before he weighs in on the latest Presidential debate in the US, De Beer names the Flop of the Week and the Hero of the Week.