12th September 2024 Finding Wisdom and Hope in the Writings Technical Thursday
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Finding Wisdom and Hope in the Writings
In this episode of Technical Thursday with Rocky Stevenson Pastor of Benoni Bible Church, we continue our Bible Overview series with a focus on the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. Join us as we explore the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Discover how these profound writings teach us about life, godliness, suffering, and love, all while pointing us to Christ—the embodiment of divine wisdom and the source of true hope. #TechnicalThursday #BibleOverview #WisdomLiterature #Psalms #Proverbs #Ecclesiastes #SongOfSolomon #Lamentations #ChristOurWisdom #BiblicalWisdom #HopeInSuffering #ScriptureStudy
In this episode of Technical Thursday with Rocky Stevenson Pastor of Benoni Bible Church, we continue our Bible Overview series with a focus on the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. Join us as we explore the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Discover how these profound writings teach us about life, godliness, suffering, and love, all while pointing us to Christ—the embodiment of divine wisdom and the source of true hope. #TechnicalThursday #BibleOverview #WisdomLiterature #Psalms #Proverbs #Ecclesiastes #SongOfSolomon #Lamentations #ChristOurWisdom #BiblicalWisdom #HopeInSuffering #ScriptureStudy