Doctor Tiza Khumalo... Keeping the Arts Alive in our studio Today

"Join us as we dive into the journey of a dynamic, self-taught fine artist from Mpumalanga. He amazed us all by painting Siya Mokoena live during RISEfm Midmornings, giving us a glimpse of his incredible talent ahead of his upcoming exhibition. Tune in to hear his inspiring story of pursuing his passion for painting from a young age. #MpumalangaAzishe!!!"
4 Oct 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture

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She is a passionate poet from Mbombela, driven to give voice to the complexities and challenges of the human experience. With a keen eye for social commentary, her words pose questions that spark reflection and inspire change. join us in celebrating love this Valentine's Day with some love poems from…
14 Feb 10 min