Clarification of noble character Part 1 - Introduction

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Guest Moulana Abduragmaan Khan
Guest: Moulana Abduragmaan Khan
Position: Founder & Director Dar Al Turath Al Islami / Haaftith…….
In studio: 082 839 2761 / 021 – 697 0515

Mawlana Abdurragmaan Khan is one of the Imams at Masjid Ar Raghma in Capetown South Africa. He studied at the prestigious Dar al – Ulam al – Arabiyah al – Islamiyyah and is a Hafith Al-Quran. He completed memorisation of Quran under Sh. Ismail Londt (1st student to complete memorisation under Sh. Ismail) in the year 2000. He has been aiding and the Ummah as a whole by answering questions submitted to the web-site. He is also the founder and rector for Dar al-Turath al-Islami (DTI) in South Africa. He hopes to continue to benefit the Ummah by sharing and preserving the legacy of Imam Ash-Shafi’i (radiya Allahu ‘anhu).
16 May 2017 English South Africa Religion & Spirituality · Spirituality

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