Business Buzz - Role of Fin-tech in the Informal Sector
On the latest business news, we talk about what issues are likely to be raised by finance minister Tito Mboweni in his National Budget set for release next week and discuss items like state owned enterprises, public sector wages and possible tax increases which may be on the cards. Zanele Kunene, our financial expert from BDO Wealth Advisors, helps us to unpack the issues on The Business Wrap.
The Buffalo Index looks at what your R100 can do you at one of the many spaza shops across the country by going through a list of commonly bought items.
On the main topic, we look at the role of financial technology (fin-tech) in the informal sector to drive business growth.
Felix Kamenga, the Chief Officer for Financial Services at MTN SA joins us on the line to talk about MTN’s mobile money solution “MoMo” and its applications for the SME and informal sector. Tina Mason, Chief Operating Officer of A2Pay, a fintech business providing trade financing and point of sale technology to spaza shop owners, talks about changing behaviour of small business owners using technology.
The Buffalo Index looks at what your R100 can do you at one of the many spaza shops across the country by going through a list of commonly bought items.
On the main topic, we look at the role of financial technology (fin-tech) in the informal sector to drive business growth.
Felix Kamenga, the Chief Officer for Financial Services at MTN SA joins us on the line to talk about MTN’s mobile money solution “MoMo” and its applications for the SME and informal sector. Tina Mason, Chief Operating Officer of A2Pay, a fintech business providing trade financing and point of sale technology to spaza shop owners, talks about changing behaviour of small business owners using technology.