You aren't here to fit in, you're here to stand out - with Dr John Demartini
You aren't here to fit in, you're here to stand out, says Dr John Demartini * - who's considered one of the world's leading authorities on human behaviour and personal development. In this week's Thrive with 'DrD' podcast, Dr Demartini and 'DrD' Dorianne Weil discuss this fascinating topic.
* Dr John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries. His presentations whether keynotes, seminars or workshops, leave clients with insights into their behavior and keys to their empowerment.
* Dr John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries. His presentations whether keynotes, seminars or workshops, leave clients with insights into their behavior and keys to their empowerment.