Business Buzz - Investing in stock market
On the latest business news, we talk about the pressure the Financial Sector is experiencing, Auditor-General’s findings on COVID-19 Corruption and the call to Open SA’s Borders. Lebo Phasha, our business expert, gives us more insight on the Business Wrap. The Buffalo Index looks at the state of the R100 in brokerage fees across different financial services providers. The COVID business watch looks into how different industries and sectors have been affected by Covid-19 and this week, Mamorei Nyama, Wits graduate and founder of MayLuxe Swimwear and Luxe suits, shares her journey on starting a new business during COVID. On the main topic we talk about investing in the stock market. We speak to Charles Savage, CEO of Purple Group about EasyEquities and investing in shares on the platform. Later on, we speak to Owen Nkomo,CEO of Inkunzi Wealth Group all about investing in the stock market.