East Coast Radio - Catch Up

East Coast Radio - Catch Up

KZN's No. 1 Hit Music Station, East Coast Radio, boasts a line-up of talented and award-winning presenters and broadcasts live out of Umhlanga, Durban. Listen live via our App or ecr.co.za.
South Africa
34 Podcast shows
20 – 34

Keri's Couch (Archive)

Ever wondered what an interview would sound like if you put two people on a couch, with no prepared interview questions, a cup of tea and one of the guests has an interesting life to talk about? Powerful, strong and independent women - who're making their mark in society -…
9 Jul 2020 16 episodes English Society & Culture · Personal Journals

Jenni's Baby Clinic

Jenni's Baby Clinic is a new podcast series that is here to help expectant moms or new parents during this 'new normal' - where nothing is as we were expecting! Jenni believes every new mother needs a person - and with months ahead of possible isolation restrictions and financial constraints…
24 Jun 2020 7 episodes English Kids & Family

Terence Pillay Investigates (Archive)

Terence Pillay Investigates: Archived discussions and investigative reports that aired on East Coast Radio by the late award-winning radio and TV presenter and journalist, Terence Pillay.
17 Jun 2020 147 episodes English News · News Commentary


The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education presents e-learning for Grade 12's - podcast lessons to help with revision for various subjects. Subscribe so you don't miss out.
17 Apr 2021 1AM 17 episodes English Education · Courses

Jane Linley-Thomas (Archive)

If Jane Linley-Thomas were to appear in the dictionary, you’d find the following words next to her name: high-energy, passion, inspirational and exuberance. This channel features some of the content from Jane's radio shows.
8 Apr 2020 502 episodes English Society & Culture · Kids & Family

#HeyEllen, it's Jords and Luke here...

#HeyEllen, it's Jords and Luke here. We started hitching from Durbs, South Africa, in March 2019 to come see you in LA. Not gonna lie you're pretty hard to get hold of. We're getting closer, so we're just trying to avoid that awkward thing where we arrive and you're not…
19 Jan 2020 34 episodes English Places & Travel · Personal Journals

Boardroom 101 with Hixonia Nyasulu

She's one of the most influential women in business in South Africa who's also internationally known as a board member with integrity and drive. In this weekly podcast, Hixonia Nyasulu shares the 'Boardroom 101' tips that she's gathered through her many years in business.
11 Nov 2019 43 episodes English Business · Business

The Confession

The team that brought you the hit drama series, ‘The Second Wife’, is back with a new five-part series that will leave you cold. ‘The Confession’ is a detailed look at how crime and secrets tear a family apart. On 20 September 2018, Cynthia Jezi walked into a police station…
26 Aug 2019 6 episodes English Society & Culture

The Second Wife

The Second Wife is a 10-part drama series that follows the story of Zinzi, a young woman who is tricked into a polygamous marriage by her fiancé Victor. Follow Zinzi and her journey on Instagram @the_secondwife. The Second Wife premiered on ECR's East Coast Urban with Thandolwethu in October 2018.
12 Dec 2018 10 episodes English Drama · Personal Journals

Being Me

#BeingMe is a podcast series which features the true life story of a gay man's road to accepting who he really is. Listen here to walk this journey with this man. #BeingMe
14 Sep 2018 11AM 13 episodes English Explicit Sexuality · Personal Journals


#DearDiary follows the life of a young isiZulu Durban, KwaZulu-Natal wife, through her diary entries. It was first broadcast on East Coast Urban with Thandolwethu.
20 Mar 2018 55 episodes English Personal Journals

Rory’s Phone Tap (Archive)

East Coast Radio personality and comedian, Rory Petzer, prank calls everyone - and it's hilarious.
23 Jan 2018 10AM 25 episodes English Explicit Comedy · TV & Film

My Mate Dave (Archive)

He is Darren Maule’s best mate and always gets into the funniest situations
6 Jul 2015 132 episodes English Comedy
20 – 34