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Radio Cape Pulpit

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Mission Radio Cape Pulpit is an independent, trans-cultural and trans-denominational media organisation. Our divine assignment is to proclaim the Gospel message through the production and broadcasting of radio programmes, supported by other electronic media, publications and community initiatives. Our focus is to be a companion to believers in their journey of faith and win unbelievers for Christ. We participate in radio missionary activities by facilitating and establishing Christian radio ministries in Africa and provide training and development opportunities for Christian broadcasters.

Recent podcast episodes

ESTELLE BRINK - Wat is die Sonde teen die Heilige Gees? Deel 2

In Deel 2 van hierdie Bible Toolbox-episode, bespreek Estelle Brink die dieper betekenis van die sonde teen die Heilige Gees. Sy gaan voort met haar ondersoek na die werk van die Heilige Gees, en verduidelik hoe die Heilige Gees ons lei in die evangelisasie, ons roeping, en hoe ons sy…
11 Dec 9 min

JACQUES MALAN - Ons Kan Nie Ophou Nie -

In hierdie episode van FOKUS bespreek Jacques Malan van Vaders Voice die belangrikheid om nie op te hou nie, selfs wanneer die pad moeilik lyk. Hy beklemtoon hoe mense, veral ongelowiges, in duisternis leef, en hoe Christene nie moet ophou om die evangelie van Jesus Christus te deel nie. Deur…
10 Dec 10PM 8 min

MY ASSIGNMENT MY DESTINY - My Destiny: Identifying a Father (Part 2)

Bishop Abraham Manuel continues his powerful message on identifying a true father in the faith. He explores the concept of the "relay of fathers," where God sends different father figures into our lives at various stages, not to replace our biological fathers, but to guide us through spiritual growth and…
8 Dec 10 min

RODNEY BROWN - Simon Peter's Confession of Christ (Part 1)

Rodney Brown explores the transformation of Simon Peter, focusing on his declaration of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. Brown reflects on key moments in the Gospels where Peter recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, from his initial introduction by Andrew to his powerful confession…
8 Dec 9 min