Welcome to Focus (English) and Fokus (Afrikaans), your daily 30-minute devotional designed to kickstart your day with spiritual inspiration. Hosted by a diverse group of spiritual leaders, including Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer, and others, each episode provides a heartwarming and spirit-filled perspective to help you share positivity and encouragement throughout your day. Join us for uplifting discussions, meaningful reflections, and a community of faith that empowers you to live fully and authentically
Daily English South Africa Christianity Narrated by Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer
296 Episodes
1 – 20

JACQUES MALAN - Verder as jouself

Die gesprek fokus op die konsep om verder as jouself te kyk, en hoe geloof in God mense kan help om hul vermoëns te oortref. Sprekers bespreek Bybelse verse wat aanmoedig om nie net op menslike vermoëns te vertrou nie, maar op Goddelike krag, insluitend Filipense 4:13 en Matteus 17:20…
8 Oct 11PM 6 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - The three Appearings of Christ

In this podcast, Pastor Brian de Villiers explores the three appearances of Christ as described in Hebrews 9:26, 24, and 28. He discusses how these verses highlight Jesus' first appearance to remove sin through His sacrifice, His current role in heaven interceding for believers, and His future return for salvation…
7 Oct 11PM 24 min

JACQUES MALAN - Jou siening op die lewe

02.10.2024 - Die gesprek fokus op 'n Christelik-geïnspireerde wêreldbeskouing en hoe dit verskil van 'n wêreldse siening. Die Jacques beklemtoon die belangrikheid van geestelike rigting in ons lewens en hoe die Bybel as riglyn dien om 'n wêreldbeskouing te vorm wat gebaseer is op God se woord. Hy waarsku teen…
1 Oct 11PM 7 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Coming boldly to God

Pastor Brian de Villiers discusses the theme of coming boldly to God, drawing on Hebrews 4:14-16. He emphasizes that Jesus is our great high priest who understands our weaknesses and invites us to approach the throne of grace confidently. He compares the access believers now have to God's presence with…
23 Sep 11PM 23 min
1 – 20