#084 MENtHERship works both ways

The mentor mentality: Let's do this together. Only way we learn.

Guests in this episode:
Arnaud Collery (French Actor, Comedian, Filmmaker, renowned TedxSpeaker, Happiness Coach)
Glen Sampson
Luvuyo Pangwa

Grab a coffee and join this fascinating vulnerable conversation with host Carmen Murray and Arnaud Collery, a multifaceted coach, entertainer, emcee, comedian, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and innovator. He is known as a catalyst for personal and organizational change - the world's first Chief Happiness Officer. This conversation goes deep as Glen Sampson (Life Coach) and Luvuyo Pangwa (Mentor) share their stories of hope, encouragement, and resilience and contribute to a necessary dialogue: How do we MENtHER in this modern world?

About your host:
Carmen Murray, The original CyberPunk, (CEO of Boo-Yah! Modern Marketing Service | The Leonardo da Vincis of Marketing), Africa representative of The Connected Marketer™, IAB Black Pixel Winner- Digital 2019, and nominated as one of the top women in tech- Africa-Meltwater.
6 May 2021 English Explicit South Africa Marketing

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