SDASA Career Feature

Xolani Sithole speaks to Zama Malote
4 Jul 2022 English South Africa Christianity

Other recent episodes

Lifestyle | Renal Colic – Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi or urolithiasis, are a common disorder affecting many people. Today’s lesson will give us more information about this disorder and how to avoid, or manage it effectively.
14 Jun 18 min

VOP Lesson | Seven Secrets of Answered Prayer

When we read stories of Elijah and Moses and Daniel, and how their prayers were answered in a mighty way, time and time again, it’s easy to believe they had some kind of cheat code to getting things done. Can we also get similar results when we pray?
17 Jun 16 min

Education | What Constitutes a Slow Learner?

Slow learners are often stuck between a rock and a hard place: their cognitive abilities are too high to be considered for an intellectual disability, but their cognitive abilities are usually too low to be considered for a learning disability. Zweli Mqhayi from Career Movez helps us understand a slow…
17 Jun 12 min

Bible Corner | Facing Your Giants

This week, we’re going to be talking about the giants that we face in life; we all have different challenges at different stages of life, but one thing is for sure; if you haven’t faced a giant yet, you will at some point. But what are these giants and what…
17 Jun 10 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Law of God

The Law that has been passed down from generation to generation and then recorded in the Bible is important to us as Adventists and as Christians. Let’s take some time to understand the purpose of God’s law.
14 Jun 17 min