US stands firm over sanctions on 'increasingly repressive' Zimbabwe.

US stands firm over sanctions on 'increasingly repressive' Zimbabwe despite lobbying by Ramaphosa.

The US will not lift sanctions on Zimbabwean entities and individuals, despite the issue being raised by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his visit with US President Joe Biden.
US Ambassador to South Africa Reuben E Brigety said the US did not believe claims that its sanctions had caused Zimbabwe's declining economy.
He told News24 the sanctions were targeted at specific people and entities, and that misinformation was driving the blame for the suffering experienced in Zimbabwe on the US.
The US will not lift sanctions on Zimbabwean entities and individuals, despite the issue being raised by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his visit with US President Joe Biden.
US Ambassador to South Africa Reuben E Brigety said the US did not believe claims that its sanctions had caused Zimbabwe's declining economy.
He told News24 the sanctions were targeted at specific people and entities, and that misinformation was driving the blame for the suffering experienced in Zimbabwe on the US.
26 Sep 2022 6AM English South Africa Business News · Investing

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