S3, Ep.9: Power Cuts: Shining a light on energy inequality vs opportunity

In light of the energy crisis, how can South Africa ‘go green’ without leaving the vulnerable members of society behind?

Our ‘power problem’ promises to only get worse if big changes aren’t made soon.
The change-maker Ntombini speaks to in this episode is no stranger to energy transition, green economy, and urban African energy issues. Professor Josephine Musango joins us to unpack how we got here, innovative solutions coming to the fore and how South Africans can do their part.

Make sure to subscribe to the Just for a Change podcast powered by the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, so you don't miss an episode!

Links you should know about:
Bertha Centre: https://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/berthacentre
Newsletters: http://bit.ly/40Op6oj
Ntombini Marrengane: https://gsbberthacentre.uct.ac.za/about-us/team/ntombini-marrengane/
Josephine Musango: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://gsbmarvin.uct.ac.za/Contact/CVs/Josephine%2520Musango%2520CV%25202022.pdf&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1682518517071754&usg=AOvVaw1Z4NmCU64W9nGb3fz24WdN
iShack Project: https://www.ishackproject.co.za/
Zonke Energy: https://zonkeenergy.com/about-us/
Pay Gas: https://paygas.africa/
5 May 2023 English South Africa Business · Non-Profit

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