Listener Messages for the week

1 Peter 3:15 says we need to always be ready to tell others the reason for our hope. So… if you could speak for 1 minute and be heard by everybody in the world, what is on your heart to share with the globe this morning?
5 Jun 2023 1AM English South Africa Christianity · Christianity

Other recent episodes

Lynette Beer: Leef doelbewus

Motiveringsspreker, teoloog en verhoudingsspesialis, Lynette Beer, gesels oor haar tema: “Leef doelbewus” uit Hebr 12:1-2
25 Apr 1AM 4 min

Huweliksfokus: die derde liefde - Eros

Ons rig soos altyd graag die vergrootglas op huwelike. Deon en Karen du Toit van Huweliksfokus is huweliksaktiviste, en hanteer vandag die tema: “Die derde Liefde is Eros Liefde”.
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