Exploring the intersection between gender-based violence, mental health, patriarchy and culture - ending the stigma

In this episode, we explore the intersection between gender-based violence (GBV), mental health and the role played by patriarchy and culture in perpetuating stigma.

GBV is deeply ingrained in our societies, perpetuating harmful norms and reinforcing gender inequalities. Survivors of GBV often experience a myriad of mental health challenges, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The impact of GBV on mental wellness can be far-reaching and long-lasting, affecting not only the survivors but also their families and communities.

By examining these intersections, we aim to catalyse action towards destigmatising survivors' experiences and providing the necessary mental health support. This podcast serves as a stepping stone towards building a more inclusive and compassionate path to healing and creating a healed and thriving society.

Guests: Kavya Swaminathan (TEARS Foundation | Intervention Supervisor), Hazel Namponya (Collective Action Magazine | Editor In Chief)
9 Aug 2023 English South Africa Society & Culture · Health & Fitness

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