Word of the day | Verse: Psalm 139:17-18

Daily Thought | Verse: Psalm 139:17-18

‘How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!’

In God’s great love for you, His thoughts for you are endless.
His love and care for you is greater than you could ever imagine.
You are valuable and precious to God and He loves you dearly.
In His great love for you, He will take care of you.

Prayer: Lord, if I could count all the grains of sand on the earth, it would never outnumber Your thoughts towards me. This is something so amazing that I am humbled by it. May I never forget or lose perspective of how much You really love me.

26 Sep 2023 2AM English South Africa Christianity · Self-Improvement

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