S07E08: Justine Brophy discussing a new ETF product focused on Top global brands
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Anbro Capital Investors have recently launched a new exchange traded product that focusses on the Top 100 global brands by value. This is an innovative product emanating from South Africa, which is totally new and unique on the global stage. We discuss what brand value is, and how the BRNDZ product tracks the biggest global brands. It’s an interesting proposition, and an innovative way to approach investing. It’s also a methodology that has almost doubled the return of the S&P500 over the past 17 years when back tested.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.