Old Mutual settles disputes with employees dismissed during Covid-19 pandemic
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GUEST - Celiwe Ross, Director of Group Strategy, Sustainability, People and Public Affairs AND Kagiso Lebethe - Senior Employee Relations Specialist
Old Mutual confirms it has reached an amicable agreement with former employees who were dismissed during the height of the Covid-19 crisis, in the wake of the declaration of the Disaster Management Act.
This means that all cases currently before the Labour Court have been resolved and have been withdrawn from the court roll. This resolution is an acknowledgement, by all involved, that it is time to move forward from the very dark time the pandemic created across the globe.
Old Mutual confirms it has reached an amicable agreement with former employees who were dismissed during the height of the Covid-19 crisis, in the wake of the declaration of the Disaster Management Act.
This means that all cases currently before the Labour Court have been resolved and have been withdrawn from the court roll. This resolution is an acknowledgement, by all involved, that it is time to move forward from the very dark time the pandemic created across the globe.