How DA-run Western Cape is better than the eight ANC-run provinces according to Alan Winde

Western Cape premier Alan Winde has criticised ANC and boasted about his province’s achievements “where ANC had failed”: from employment, education, policing and crime.
Winde said the governing-ANC has “dismally failed the citizens of this country”. He said the ANC cannot keep the lights on or trains running, deal with corruption, does not know how to grow the economy or create jobs and cannot pay Sassa grants to the vulnerable.
He referred to the DA as a party that “gets things done”, saying it is busy saving South Africa.
The DA has governed the Western Cape province since April 2009, after an outright majority in that year’s general elections.
The last published labour force survey during ANC’s tenure in the province suggests that unemployment stats in the first quarter of 2009 in the ANC-run Western Cape had the lowest unemployment rate of the nine provinces at 18.4%. The worst province at the time was Eastern Cape at 28.4%. According to the latest published quarterly labour force survey, the now DA-Western Cape has the lowest official unemployment rate at 24.5%, the worst hit province being the Eastern Cape with 42.4%. 
Speaking in parliament Winde said: “It is in this province Mr President [Cyril Ramaphosa] where jobs are created. We have the lowest unemployment rate in the country.”
The 2008 NSC matric pass-rate in the Western Cape (the last time ANC governed for a full-year) stood at 78.7%, topping all the other provinces, Eastern Cape performed the worst at 50.6% that year. Last year Western Cape achieved the number five spot at 81.54%, while the worst was Northern Cape with a 75.84% pass-rate.
The province appears in several archives as the best-run province and its municipalities are ranked the best in the country.
Winde said the DA will make a “massive difference and save South Africa” once Ramaphosa announces the election date. The president is expected to announce the 2024 election date later this month.
14 Feb 12PM English South Africa News · Daily News

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