Book Choice Publisher's Choice: Book Short _ Exclusive Books - 03 Sept 24

Tune in for a 10 minute review. Batya Bricker, GM of Books and Brands at Exclusive Books talks about her keepers and her tossers.
3 Sep English South Africa TV & Film

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Book Choice Publisher's Choice - 03 Sept 24

For all the best books in the hood, or perhaps the shelf, join host, Paige Nick and publishers, Penguin Random House SA, Jonathan Ball Publishers, Pan Macmillan and Exclusive Books to find out what they’re publishing this September.
3 Sep 57 min

Book Choice - 20 Aug 24

In today’s show we’ve got 5 phenomenal author interviews; Freud’s complete works, Nicky Greenwall’s A Short Life, Alison Weir’s Belonging, Peter Friedland’s Quiet time with the president, and a round up of what you can enjoy at this year’s Open Book Festival and so much more.
20 Aug 59 min

Book Choice Publishers' Choice - 06 Aug 24

Thank you for streaming book choice, Publishers’ Choice. Today we welcome Batya Bricker from Exclusive Books, The Pan MacMillan Team, The Penguin Random House Team and the Jonathan Ball Publishing Team to fill us in on what they’re publishing, reading and selling right now.
6 Aug 59 min