Karlien Gesels Met Anton Goosen

Anton Goosen is n lewende legende en word geken as die vader van Afrikaanse rock.
Hy het onlangs n splinternuwe album vrygestel en hy gesels met Karlien oor "Sirkels" en vertel meer oor n paar van die liedjies op die album. Sirkels is meesterlik saamgestel en bied n lekkerluister-ervaring vir oud en jonk.
10 Sep 9AM English Namibia Music Commentary · Society & Culture

Other recent episodes

Inside the Male Brain - On Top Of Fridge

Featuring Ian F in Johannesburg and Chops in Kenya. Karlien goes across borders into the male brain with conversations with real guys going into emotions with funny moments and serious topics all thrown together. The conversations are real, authentic, with nothing scripted.
15 Aug 5PM 4 min

Inside the Male Brain - Dirty Secret

Featuring Ian F in Johannesburg and Chops in Kenya. Karlien goes across borders into the male brain with conversations with real guys going into emotions with funny moments and serious topics all thrown together. The conversations are real, authentic, with nothing scripted.
13 Aug 5PM 6 min

Inside the Male Brain - Wedding Bill

Featuring Ian F in Johannesburg and Pierre Rossouw in Cape Town. Karlien goes across borders into the male brain with conversations with real guys going into emotions with funny moments and serious topics all thrown together. The conversations are real, authentic, with nothing scripted.
12 Sep 5PM 2 min

Inside the Male Brain - Advice To Girls

Featuring Ian F in Johannesburg and Chops in Kenya. Karlien goes across borders into the male brain with conversations with real guys going into emotions with funny moments and serious topics all thrown together. The conversations are real, authentic, with nothing scripted.
11 Sep 4PM 6 min

Inside the Male Brain - Scarier Than Ocean

Featuring Ian F in Johannesburg and Chops in Kenya. Karlien goes across borders into the male brain with conversations with real guys going into emotions with funny moments and serious topics all thrown together. The conversations are real, authentic, with nothing scripted.
7 Aug 4PM 1 min