Bible Corner | Gender Roles in Marriage

Today we’re going to be talking about accountability in the
role of leadership, and we’ll be using Adam and Eve as our
examples of this.
18 Sep English South Africa Christianity

Other recent episodes

Transformation | Leadership & Governance (Graceflow)

In our Graceflow conversation last week, we talked about fatherhood, and it was clearly a loaded conversation as we were unable to cover all the points that we intended to discuss, and so we continue the conversation of fatherhood as it relates to leadership.
18 Sep 21 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Holy Spirit

When you look to scripture, it’s clear that the Holy Spirit is a part of the triune God. The term God is inclusive of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; we see this in the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20. This week, we’ll be talking about the Holy Spirit.
18 Sep 22 min

Family | The Conscious Relationship

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17 Sep 17 min

Bible Corner | Gender Roles in Marriage

We’re talking about gender roles, and today’s conversation will be focused on how to apply God’s standard in the 21 st century, what that would look like and what the implications would be, considering gender equality and the modern structure of the typical family.
17 Sep 22 min

VOP Lesson | Rest

Many of us are constantly busy and on the go, which takes its toll on our bodies. We’ve gotten accustomed to a quick fix so that we can get right back to the grind, and that doesn’t really give us a long-lasting solution for a healthy balance.
17 Sep 15 min