Biblical living - answering medically unexplained symptoms

Spiritual sources of some of the medically unexplained symptoms people experience
15 Sep English South Africa Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

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Experiencing God in a living relationship

Many Christians have little to no experience of God. He is mostly a principle, or an idea. Yet Jesus Himself taught how we may experience God in a living relationship. We find this in John 14:19-26
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Three secrets of ministry

The Christian church should contain no unemployed people. There is far too much work, and far too many needs, for any to be idle or inactive. In John 14:12 - 19, Jesus teaches us the three secrets of ministry
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Whoever had seen Jesus had seen God

Many people prefer a faceless, impersonal God. Others would like to know God as a person, but do not know where to look. Jesus answered both perspectives with a stunning claim: that whoever had seen Him had seen God
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The comfort of His coming

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The commandment that summarizes the Christian life

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