EP108 - Long-haul COVID and Mycotoxin Triggered Illness, with With Dr Kristi Morlan-Hughes

Kristi Morlan-Hughes, ND, IFMCP, FMCHC has dedicated her professional path to the study and practice of root-cause medicine. After graduating from the National College of Natural Medicine, she launched her original private practice in 1997 in Alexandria, MN. She attended her first training with the Institute for Functional Medicine in 1999, becoming certified in 2015, which further reinforced her nutrition and natural medicine skills. Dr Kristi’s practice embraces a root-cause care approach to managing mystery illnesses, medical challenges, and provides patient advocacy for those dealing with chronic diseases striving to get the most out of their health care team and the medical system. Dr. Morlan-Hughes served as a Director of Medical Education at IFM for a decade, where she was responsible for the development of medical education, nutrition-oriented resources, and clinical tools to support patient education. She supported the Collaboration partners working with IFM, cultivated practice implementation assets, and participated as an educator and facilitator both domestically and international. Dr. Kristi remains connected to core training programs at IFM, she continues to mentor students and practitioners alike in her mentorship program.

You can find Dr Kristi on LinkedIn Or her homepage
28 Feb English South Africa Health & Fitness · Food

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