EP97 - The Other Side, with Sarah Bullen
Welcome to the Re-Invent Health podcast I am Nicci Robertson and my guest today is Author, Journalist, Literary agent and writing coach, Sarah Bullen. In this episode we discuss her latest book The Other Side, in which she seeks to uncover the mysteries of life after death following her own near-death experience. This book features stories of people who have been to the ‘other side’ and returned. And others who can communicate with life beyond the physical realm. You can buy both Love and Above and The Other Side at all book retailers as well as online. To find out more about Sarah and her mentorships, go to www.sarahbullen.com or www.thewritingroom.co.za
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#sarahbullen #author #writingcoach #mentor #lifeafterdeath #neardeathexperience #plantmedicine #shaman #niccirobertson #livewellthrive #reinventhealth