EP95 - The Future of Aging Well - with Dr Sindeep Bhana
In this episode of the Re-Invent Health Podcast, I chat with long time mentor Dr Sindeep Bhana. I first met Dr Bhana way back in 2003 when I was on a mission to lose weight and was determined to find the magic bullet that would solve all my problems.
Here we discuss the biggest contributors to aging badly and what anyone can do to improve long term health span and change their health destiny.
You can make an appointment with Dr Bhana by contacting the Centre of Advanced Medicine at https://advancedmed.co.za
#brbhana #integrativemedicine #healthspan #antiaging #diabetes #endfoodconfusion #livewellthrive #reinventhealth #niccirobertson #podcast
Here we discuss the biggest contributors to aging badly and what anyone can do to improve long term health span and change their health destiny.
You can make an appointment with Dr Bhana by contacting the Centre of Advanced Medicine at https://advancedmed.co.za
#brbhana #integrativemedicine #healthspan #antiaging #diabetes #endfoodconfusion #livewellthrive #reinventhealth #niccirobertson #podcast