EP92 - The Real Food MasterClass - with Gary Jackson
This the latest episode of the Re-Invent Health Podcast, I chat with Gary Jackson from Jackson’s Real Food Market about Real Food. There is a lot of confusion about what it means to eat real food as opposed to processed and ultra processed foods and how they affect your heath.
We will will also be talking about our upcoming MasterClass starting on 23 May. This will take place over 3 Thursday evenings live at the Bryanston Store. And will give you a chance to really understand how what you eat is affecting your health and longevity.
We will debunk many diet related myths and teach you how to nurture your brain and body with real food.
I can guarantee that by the end of the Masterclass you will never go looking for a diet ever again or be tempted to try a fad that you see online.
Some of the topics we will cover include
Understanding macronutrients and how they affect you at different stages of life.
How much of each macronutrient you should be eating and what that looks like.
How to create a meal plan that isn’t time consuming
Nutrition and brain health
What your cravings are trying to tell you.
How to take the hassle out of food prep.
How flavour, texture, scent and colour affect brain chemistry and cravings.
Psychoneurobiology - the brain-body connection
Accountability and health
The benefits of exercise for your brain
Understanding food labels
To find out more or to book, please go to my website www.reinventhealth.co.za or visit any of our social medial channels and follow the links or WhatsApp (083) 265-5862
#eatrealfood #masterclass #jacksonsrealfoods #reinventhealth #livewellthrive #garyjackson #niccirobertson
We will will also be talking about our upcoming MasterClass starting on 23 May. This will take place over 3 Thursday evenings live at the Bryanston Store. And will give you a chance to really understand how what you eat is affecting your health and longevity.
We will debunk many diet related myths and teach you how to nurture your brain and body with real food.
I can guarantee that by the end of the Masterclass you will never go looking for a diet ever again or be tempted to try a fad that you see online.
Some of the topics we will cover include
Understanding macronutrients and how they affect you at different stages of life.
How much of each macronutrient you should be eating and what that looks like.
How to create a meal plan that isn’t time consuming
Nutrition and brain health
What your cravings are trying to tell you.
How to take the hassle out of food prep.
How flavour, texture, scent and colour affect brain chemistry and cravings.
Psychoneurobiology - the brain-body connection
Accountability and health
The benefits of exercise for your brain
Understanding food labels
To find out more or to book, please go to my website www.reinventhealth.co.za or visit any of our social medial channels and follow the links or WhatsApp (083) 265-5862
#eatrealfood #masterclass #jacksonsrealfoods #reinventhealth #livewellthrive #garyjackson #niccirobertson