George Michael's bush | Los Magnificos | From Sun City to Carnival City

In an inadvertently Spanish themed episode, Paulo doesn't want to join the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Forum Whatsapp group - even if it does have to do with George Michael's bush.A Knight Rider Agujero de conejo, led us to discover the joys of 80s shows in Spanish - which makes them 100 times better.In movies, Dori cuts class, Paulo is crazy for you and Val Kilmer is mad at Matthew Modine.Julio Iglesias is getting the Netflix treatment - we're looking forward to the 80s stuff, but it will probably Begin in the Beguine.Jump to: - 80s Memories in Cape Town (00:00:56) - George Michael's bush (00:03:06) - Spanish Translations of TV Shows (00:09:22): - Cutting Class (25:12): - Vision Quest (00:37:15): - Julio Iglesias Biopic Announcement (00:48:18): - Rick Rolled by the House of Judiciary (00:51:38): Town, #80s television shows, #George Michael, #pop culture, #native Capetonians, #Joburgers, #Fourways, #Camps Bay, #local community, #transformation, #nostalgia, #movie recommendations, #Cutting Class, #Brad Pitt, #ensemble casts, #Vision Quest, #Madonna, #Matthew Modine, #Full Metal Jacket, #80s movies, #film soundtrack, #cultural impact, #humor, #podcast episode, #cinema, #community reactions, #wildlife habitats, #neighborhood forum, #movie discussion, #live show, #movie trailers, #classic films, #film critiques, #character analysis, #coming-of-age themes, #fashion trends, #80s nostalgia, #film legacy.
7 Mar English Explicit South Africa Society & Culture · Music Interviews

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